Friday, September 26, 2014


Icheoku says the recently recorded victories by the Nigerian authorities in the fight against Ebola Virus Disease and the notorious Boko Haram dreaded terrorist organization is a testament of what is possible if only the country could make up its mind and decide to put its acts together. Icheoku says it is all about taking one's destiny in ones hands without endlessly waiting for the never coming help from yonder. Nigerians did it and could also do a lot more things but first they must convince themselves on their ability to do so and then put the strategy in place to have it done. 

Icheoku is emphatic that were Nigeria still waiting for the Americans to come and save them from the scourge of Boko Haram, the scallywag, Abubakar Shekau, would still be running his foul mouth, disparaging everyone and bragging about his group's invincibility and murdering hundreds of defenseless North-easterners and destroying their properties in the process.  So also would the awful Ebola Virus Disease still be wrecking havoc throughout the land and would have claimed a chunk of Nigerians were their fate trusted solely to the Americans. But peradventure, the Nigerian authorities did not wait for the American "miracle" workers to make up their mind whether to help or not, rather they strapped their loins and went to work. The result is that today the dread EVD was stopped dead on its tracks and so also was the ever taunting scoundrel Abubakar Shekau dispatched to rendezvous with his seventy virgins in Hades. 

Icheoku says both successes recorded against the two nightmares show what is possible if a country is  motivated, fired up and ready to go; and using a can-do, self-help to move the process forward. Icheoku says nothing is ever freely handed over or conferred to anyone, talk less of a country. If you want it, you must go and get it and doing things for oneself is the best known definition of independence and self pride. Like the Asian Tigers who took matters upon themselves to pull themselves up and are today a force to reckon with in the world, Nigerians and Africans need to start doing things for themselves and not unnecessarily wait for these white folks to come and bless them with their heart desires. 

Icheoku maintains that Nigerians and Africans as a whole can do it if only they have the will to take the initial baby steps necessary for growing up. It will be faltering at first, but with time, the feet get firmer and soon strides becomes brisk walk and from there running. Nigerians and Africans must stop waiting for manna to fall from the American and European skies and learn how to resource from within their environment. Things might not be a par or up to standards or as good with advanced technological know-how countries initially, but with necessary perseverance, they will eventual get better. 

Icheoku says the need for self help in doing things for oneself becomes imperative because no one can love you more than yourself. Moreso these white people don't like nor really care about Africans or the blackman in general; and could care less if Nigerians and Africans remained in stone age and for a long time to come. The solution is for Nigerians and Africans in general to learn the trait of a survivor and try and become one by doing things for themselves to survive. Biafrans improvised with "Okukwu bucket", ogbunigwe, refined petroleum products etc and would have gone very far now were their dream realized. Icheoku says Nigeria's taking care of business on the matter of Ebola and Boko Haram Shekau is a thing of great pride for the country; at least they did it without any outside or American help or intervention. This feat is worthy of being proud of, it is also worthy of celebration. Icheoku says congratulations to President Goodkuck Jonathan, his security team, especially the military, and of course the Ministry of Health for successful mission accomplished on both fronts. 

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