Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Icheoku says suddenly they are being courted like the beautiful bride who everyone pretends to love. They are being unceasingly wooed like the fairy princess that is priceless? All in an attempt to dissuade them from bolting away from the union? Icheoku says like in any marriage, no spouse ever wants out unless the shackle gets suffocatingly too tight as to become unbearable. Possibly this is the case with the Scottish people? Icheoku strongly believes that the Scots had had enough of the English people treating them as second class citizens, all animal are equal but some are certainly more equal than others on the principle of equal but separate, that they said enough, where is the exit from this unholy wedlock? 

Who knows and Icheoku does not claim any special insider knowledge either; but the natural question for any person who wants to understand the driving force behind Scotland fervor for self determination is to ask who ever wants out of a blissful relationship?

The anti-Scotland independence primogenitors has been predicting doomsday scenario in the event the Scots summon the courage to do right by and for themselves by declaring their independence from England. Icheoku says to the people of Scotland that similar tales of woe and doom were heard when former British colonies sought and fought for their independence; but today all of these former colonies are surviving if not thriving despite the prophesies of nay sayers. All Icheoku has to say is that if Scottish people are convinced on the rightness of their course, they should proceed full throttle and ignore all those predictions that has no factual basis. 

Small countries are surviving, talk less of a country that would have done so much on their own but for forcibly being made to play the underdog to the big brother England in the name of a union. Icheoku queries if Scotland is seen as equal why give them only one Minister in the cabinet? Icheoku says if Scotland is seen as equal why is everything located in London but not in Edinburgh? Icheoku queries if Scotland is seen as equal why are some of the key parastatals and/or government presence not located in Glasgow? Icheoku further posits if Scotland is perceived as equal partner in the Union, why is the Barclay's League not called the United Kingdom League with some formidable Scottish teams therein participating as one? Icheoku asks if Scotland is deemed as equal why are concentrate both the political and economic hobs of the Union in England? And to these whys are added even so many more other whys which Icheoku does not have the leisure of getting to in this piece. 

Icheoku concludes that the Scottish people must have strong reasons why they want to opt out of the union of the United Kingdom controlled by the ever standoffish English people. If things were honky-dory as these apologists are now belatedly trying to make the world believe,  why would the Scots be so fired up? Icheoku admonishes that no one should stand in their way now that their hour of freedom seems to have finally come and they are boldly grabbing it with both hands. Icheoku says best of luck to the people who gave the world Scotch Whiskey and hopefully their distilleries will still be pumping the good spirit long after they become a republic. It is also the nobel people of Scotland who the affable William Shakespeare wrote so much about including in his Macbeth, which featured Scottish castles very predominantly. Anyway, to the people of Scotland, Icheoku says best of luck with the YES and/or NO vote come Thursday September 18th 2014. Whichever way it goes, the world will survive and so would the new Scotland if they choose to walk away and take the blue in the Union Jack with them or otherwise still remain yoked in the union. 

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