Friday, August 15, 2014


eduardo campos psb eleições 2014

Icheoku often wishes that Nigerians as a people were more civilized and more sophisticated, politically, judging from some outlandish and unfounded allegations and wild claims which periodically emanate from the polity and which often leads to undesired consequences including rioting and needless loss of lives. Just recently Muhammadu Buhari was attacked by Boko Haram and fingers pointed at Aso Rock and you wonder what would have become of Nigeria, had those lunatics succeeded in getting the man they had once nominated as their role model and negotiator-in-chief with the government? Rwanda's civil war between the Tutus and the Hutus, which almost ruined the country, was triggered when accusing fingers pointed towards a particular tribe for shooting down a plane carrying a president from another tribe? 

Today in Santos Brazil, an opposition presidential candidate was killed when his private plane went down in the fog of bad weather during a campaign trip. Imagine the anarchy and ruinous state Nigeria would have descended into were Eduardo Campos, Muhammadu Buhari and the plane was Bola Tinubu's private plane? 

But in Brazil, admitted a third world country like Nigeria, the skies over Rio de Janeiro or San Palo or Santos is not falling down as a result of the death of an opposition presidential candidate because the people are civilized enough to understand that things, including plane crash do happen and can happen without their president causing it to happen or bringing it about? Brazilian President Djuma has done what any president would do by declaring a national day of mourning for the dead candidate and life will go on and is going on as we write this article. Icheoku prays that Nigerians will some day mature enough, especially politically, to understand the limitations of the man or any other person in Aso Rock and not behold him or her as having omni-power, omni-presence and omni-whatever you desire to name, to do or undo as he pleases. Icheoku sympathizes with the people of Brazil and the family of late Eduardo Santos on their loss; Adieu Eduardo.

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