Thursday, July 17, 2014


Press conference by APC chairman John Odigie Oyegun, Abuja, Wednesday, July 16th 2014 (attached as comment) - a response.

Icheoku says in the selective-amnesia pattern that is the trick of trade of very deceitful people, of remembering ONLY what they choose to remember, this man has forgotten how he was imposed on the APC by Ahmed Bola Tinubu's fiat? Instead, here he is, unabashedly, calling President Jonathan a dictator while feigning ignorance that the man he accepted the gift of APC chairmanship from is not a DEMOCRAT? Icheoku is baffled at how a man who parades himself as a man of God, Pastor Oyegun, could so vilely complain about a speck in another man's eye while ignoring the Iroko log in his own eye? According to this man, Bola Tinubu, the man who OWNS, OPERATES and DICTATES for everyone in APC is not a dictator but Jonathan is? Icheoku says if Jonathan is the face of dictatorship, then every country in the world that has seen and known dictatorship, including Nigeria during the heinous military regimes as well as the last Ota deity's regime (1999 - 2003), must demand an apology from the APC Chairman Pastor John Odigie-Oyegun for ridiculing their horrific and harried experience. 

Further, in the usual characteristics of the Almajiris Peoples Congress, typified by the now impeached Muritala Nyako's malicious accusation that President Jonathan is levying genocide on Northerners, Pastor Oyegun is now making another unfounded and unsubstantiated allegation against the president, of using financial inducements, running into several billions, to achieve the outcome that was Adamawa State Governor Nyako's impeachment? Icheoku says it is a trite rule of law that he who alleges something as a fact has the onus of proving or establishing the alleged; and we hereby call on Pastor Oyegun to produce irrefutable evidence of this financial inducement or eat his shoes in shame for deliberately misinforming his "flock" and trying to mislead them. Unfortunately this pastor forgot what the Lord said concerning intentionally misleading a people that looks upon certain persons as their guide, that it is preferable for such persons that a grinding stone be tied on their neck and weighted down the lake. 

Responding to another frivolous accusation of Pastor Oyegun, Icheoku says if any person or party is destroying or trying to destroy Nigeria, it must be the Janjaweed ideology party and its dictators that does not see anything wrong in imposing persons on the party as well as on their controlled states' offices? Icheoku says the destructive element in Nigeria is the Almajiris Peoples Congress that is malevolently scheming to field two MUSLIM presidential and vice presidential candidates in a pluralistic secular society like Nigeria. Icheoku is emphatic that it is the Bola Tinubu's owned and financed party, APC, which is crying fire in a movie theater and crying wolf where there is a mere sparrow. Icheoku says if anyone is trying to rain havoc on Nigeria, it is APC's Buhari who promised and is relentlessly carrying out his threat, by proxy of Boko Haram, to make Nigeria ungovernable. Yes, you heard Icheoku right - the destructive forces trying to pull the Nigerian house down is the APC and its dictatorship. Icheoku says the APC is what is trying, albeit fruitlessly, to throw spanner into the works that is Nigeria marching on. So Pastor Oyegun must reverse gears and rather look inwards to find the Grinch that is trying to steal Nigeria's joy. 

Pastor Oyegun finds fault in the government's adequately securing an election through the use of the military, so that the electorates could freely express their preferences; and this rather major commendable feat by a government too often known for its sloppiness, is perfidious in the judgment of Pastor Oyegun? Icheoku says if so empowering the people to freely exercise their right to vote and ensuring that no eligible voter is disenfranchised by intimidation of thugs and through election fraud is what perfidy looks like, then hell has no utility again and deserves to be shut and closed down. Icheoku says he who has nothing to hide is never afraid nor does he run away from the police or complain and protest when security agents are around. Therefore the only deductible reason why the APC is complaining about the high security presence in the last Ekiti State's election would be that it forestalled all their rigging plans and eventually produced the result witnessed. Icheoku recalls that Bola Tinubu had made a "rig and roast" threat before the said election and no responsible government, anywhere, would like to see any of her citizen roasted just because an election was rigged. So Aso Rock did the "needful" to prevent rigging and guaranteed that no one roasted; YET instead of commending this harm-free and zero-death election, Pastor Oyegun is complaining that security for the election was too much? Icheoku says please give me a break Mr Pastor. 

Icheoku says Pastor Oyegun's questioning the integrity of the armed forces is one such misdirected step taken too far that needs to be retracted. Irrespective of partisanship or other loyalty and ideological differences - whether Janjaweed or Western, anyone can say whatever they want BUT questioning the integrity of the Nigerian armed forces is an unacceptable step into a no go area. Icheoku maintains that the Nigerian armed forces is still very nationalistic; that the cord holding them as a force of one is still in intact and very strong, otherwise the hump-dumpty that is Nigeria would have since gone into history. So Pastor Oyegun ought to apologize to these uniformed men and women for causing to their unity, this untoward violence; and must subsequently watch such his utterances so that he does not talk himself into a dangerous corner from which an extraction might prove very difficult, if not impossible. 

In conclusion, Icheoku bemoans the fate that has befallen this APC whose marriage to Nigerians have apparently ended ever before the honeymoon was over. If APC was a pregnancy, it would be ectopic and qualified for an urgent abortion and might as well have since been aborted. Their planned voyage is now moribund with their marooned ship fast decelerating to the bottom of the ocean  Were it a flight, it did not take off as it sputtered and nose-dived into its grave yard. Their so many missteps, series of unguarded statements and their Tasmanian devil-like virulent attacks on even the mundane and intangibles, have left Nigerians wondering what it was they wanted to embrace in the first place? If this is what opposition party looks like, then may the PDP stand unopposed, for crying out loud. How can a party that cannot organize themselves and be harmonious in articulating their Marshal Plans for Nigeria organize Nigeria? Such risk is rather too risky for Nigerians to blazingly walk themselves into and it could be that Nigerians have already decided that the devil they know is better than the pretentious saint they are bewilder at its actions and utterances thus far? Or what word is it again they have in their Islamic vocabulary for saint?  

Of late the APC seems to have been outgunned and outfoxed by the PDP as they now appear to chase after only the dust of a zoomed meteorite PDP. In Ekiti they did not know what hit them and belatedly now threatens to go to court after the fact; ditto in Adamawa with Nyako's stagecraft of an impeachment. Icheoku believes that the APC would still be in their reactionary mode to PDP's pace-setting the agenda and still huffing and puffing about how they will respond long after the 2015 elections are won and lost. But what level of cohesion does anyone expect from a party that is run by dictators where the majority of its disenfranchised members are bitterly complaining and working to sabotage their own party as a result in protest? Icheoku is of the view that morals is very low among APC membership and nothing good ever comes out of a demoralized or ill-motivated lot. This cancerous lethargy that has set in among APC party members is the greatest threat facing the Almajiris Peoples Congress and without retooling, their dictators can complain all they want until the cows come home and will not see a c-change in their fortunes. Not that Icheoku cares anyway. To Pastor John Odigie Oyegun, Icheoku says instead of hollering and chasing shadows or propounding nonsensical fantasies as to the root cause of the problems of the now flightless APC, just look in the mirror and you will see Bola Tinubu and John Oyegun, interchangeably, morphing into one another. This is the root cause of the nearly imploding APC - DICTATORSHIP. It melts away party loyalty since party members are asking themselves what is in it for them and saying that "we do not have inheritance in the house of Bola Tinubu, to our tenets Oh APC members," GET IT, Pastor! 

Disclaimer: - Icheoku is not a member of the PDP nor a fan of President Jonathan Goodluck. But let the truth be told, this particular brand of APC is not good for Nigeria and it is not also good for any Nigerian. This is the only reason we do what we do at Icheoku; and to help save Nigeria a worse evil. That is what drives our passion. The greedy Bola Tinubu is not a democrat but is merely using or trying to use the machinery of the APC as a means to an end and therefore must be STOPPED.

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