Monday, May 12, 2014


Icheoku had written previously that Clippers' Donald Sterling was venting his anger specifically on Magic Johnson when he slipped leading to the current deluge that is threatening to sweep him away from his baby of over thirty five years - the LA Clippers. Icheoku asks who wouldn't be; which hot-blooded man would not be incensed that a girlfriend you are lavishing millions of dollars on, maintaining her, buying her whatever her heart delights including diamonds, designer clothes, louboutini shoes, choice exotic cars such as lamborghini, ferrari, etc was messing around with another man even if suspectedly? Added to that, that other man happens to be Magic Johnson, who is HIV positive and who according to Donald Sterling, has "AIDS?" So query, could it be that Donald Sterling was deathly afraid that his paramour Steviano, could contract HIV/AIDS from Magic Johnson and turn around and infect him? Is it possible that this multi billionaire owner of LA Clippers, although old, does not want to die yet and if, not through HIV/AIDS complications?  Icheoku is not holding water for Donald Sterling, but does that man or any other reasonable man in his circumstance reserve the right to be scared that his girlfriend is messing around with a known carrier of the virus? Your guess is as good as mine, admitted in the heat of passion, he went over-broad hence the resulting lynching. 

Now regarding the other issue he commented on - that blacks do not help blacks in America? Icheoku believes that Donald Sterling is not very far from the truth as many successful black people's first order of business is to move very far away from black neighborhoods, take a white bimbo for wife or girlfriend in their attempt to get validation and start hanging around in golf courses and some country clubs when their white connection facilitates it? Their thinking is that if they can make it, why not you. Icheoku once ran into Spike Lee and P Diddy's assistant respectively, and on broaching the idea of the need to push more black people into law through specific foundations/funding, to possibly find some replacement Johnnie Cochrans, the way they pivoted from the issue and took off was rather surprising. Icheoku also knows of Danny Glover's brother in San Francisco who is just merely "getting by" and you wonder why his rich movie mogul brother has not lifted him up? Also when Oprah Winfrey was asked why she did not consider Chicago inner city for her school which she established in South Africa, her answer was equally telling? Needless to add that so many inner cities in America has it worse than even Somalia for crying out loud; so you now know where the vibe of Donald Sterling is coming from? 

The fact of the matter is that there are things successful black Americans can do better if they are seriously desiring equalisation of the playing field for blacks in America - build and lift their COMMUNITY.  But instead, they hang around with white folks, their fellow successful blacks and most times turn their backs on the inner cities that produced them; except where there is camera, lights and actions and you see them smiling while handing out stuff to folks. Icheoku says this is not the way to do things right. Just listen to Donald Sterling tell the whole listening world how the Jews pull themselves up and out of poverty and uninformed people will turn around to complain that the Jews own everything in America. According to Donald Sterling, successful Jews pull funds together to give interest-free loans and grants to their fellow upcoming and starter Jews to enable them make something out of their lives and become somebody in the society. Icheoku once met a Jewish lawyer in Florida who went to law school free - tuition, room and board, courtesy of some Jewish trust fund. But folks, they would rather they are the only ones up there and you are down there, once the white man approves of them? Imagine the same Donald Sterling now being pummeled and called names was twice given an award by NAACP for his generosity towards African American inner cities and community in general; and suddenly, blacks cannot understand that a man can burn his top gasket out of jealousy? Admitted that Donald is now a somewhat pariah because of the face-value of what he said, but sometimes truth can come from imbeciles. Icheoku agrees that successful black Americans can do more to help other folks get up. 

Lastly Donald rehashed that the time worn out lamentations of many a man that "he thought he understood women, but not any more?" Icheoku admonishes that he should have asked himself what really made a thirty one year old Los Angeles gold digger find him interesting at eighty one years old - 50 years age differential? Simply put, she was doing all the licking and swallowing for the Benjamins ONLY and she got them in truckload-bundles. In short, Donald Sterling was the only job Ms Steviano had and she did very alright for crying out loud. Continuing, Icheoku says anyone who wants to understand women might as well first check himself into a lunatic asylum for trying to do that which is impossible. The way to go is, if you want to swim downstream, you don't first want to understand whether the water will change course or suddenly create rapids or curves and turns down the course, you just jump in and go with the flow. Also Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets" surmised women thus, 'just take away reason and accountability" and you get a woman defined. If only Donald Sterling was a fan. Finally, as one uncle use to say, "any man who money or woman does not kill will live a long life". Icheoku says if only Donald Sterling had listened to his inner self or at least his old "disused" wife and not try to outdo Playboy Hugh Hefner, may be all these crocodile tears and 'Clintonisque' apology would not have been necessary. But boy was Anderson Cooper 360 good, making this man sing like a canary bird. Icheoku says this interview is by far the best Mr Cooper has gotten in recent times.

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