Saturday, April 26, 2014


Icheoku says when one thinks that the strange abnormality within the Nigerian community in the United States of America, which sees men killing their wives, is over, a story out of Houston Texas within Harris County, has it that another Nigerian man has ended his wife's life? An over-stressed Martin Ebegbodi (mugshot) decided to put an end to the "source" of his misery and shot and killed the woman who bore his children and whom she married in 2005, Isioma Ebegbodi nee Unokanjo (smiling and standing tall). 

Icheoku says many a Nigerian married men in the United States at one time or another had thought about it and the fact that many Nigerian married women have lost it in their quest to enjoy their newly minted FREEDOM is not helping BUT fuels this scourge. However, there is this sure thing called WALKING AWAY and no matter the issues involved, investments made that was not recouped or other countless missed opportunities, a simple walking out the door would save a lot of headache. 

So icheoku reiterates that no amount of a wife's indignities to a husband or insolence, insubordination, subjugation or conversion of husband into a glorified houseboy or even being made a Mr Mom is sufficient enough a provocation to take her life. If you can no longer take the dish from hell being dished out to you by your "wife", say enough and like Jack, walk on. The trade of a life behind bars or even the lethal injection is not a good bargain for ending the alleged calamity that supposedly befell you when you married that "your wife from hell." If you are afraid of being alone, remember that prison life is not a picnic and that it could spell LONELINESS with much bolder lines. It is not worth it. It is a pity and it is more pitiful that once again a Nigerian child or children who were not active participants to this malady have been rendered orphan(s) with dad killing mom and dad going away for a very very long long time. What a shame.

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