Thursday, October 31, 2013


"There was nothing in the approved documents reflecting my name, when the budget was being made. At no time did I ever request for any vehicle from the NCAA. It was the agency that had the need and made the request to the Federal Ministry of Aviation. After the purchase on a 3 year Lease Financing arrangement, the vehicles were never delivered to me. The vehicles were also not registered in my name but that of the agency. All I did was to approve the request of the Agency subject to the Agency doing the needful as evidenced by my minutes on the letter dated 15th April, 2013." - Madam Aviation Minister Stella Oduah,debunking claims that two armored vehicles were hers. Icheoku says it is ordinarily a powerful defense argument except that the minister failed in or rather overlooked her duty of supervision of her underlings - vicarious responsibility(liability).

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