Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Icheoku says once again another American famous person has taken his own life, aided by illicit drugs which he over-dozed on. His name, Philip Seymour Hoffman, a well known Hollywood superstar was found crunched in a fetal position in his Manhattan, New York City apartment, dead from heroine over-doze. Police investigators also found about fifty still unused sachets of the controlled substance around his dead body leaving Icheoku to wonder what a crack or rather heroine head this actor was. 

Icheoku queries, if fifty heroine sachets were found around him still sealed and ready to be used, who knows how many of such sachets he already injected that resulted in his over-dozing death? Also at about thirty dollars a sachet, that is almost fifteen hundred dollars worth of the illicit drugs that were unused and probably constituted part of his ration for the week? Then multiply it by four weeks and by twelve and a clear picture begins to emerge as to the amount of money being spent just to numb oneself from the pains of this world. 

While some people are in a rush to think that once you have money that your problems are completely solved, they forgot that is probably the beginning of your pains as money is never the end but a means of and the beginning of the end. The other thing that bemuses Icheoku is how people always empathize about such over-dozed persons as being victim or that they accidentally over-dozed on drugs; but fail to try to get into the minds of such suicides to determine whether they actually wanted to kill themselves and chose the lesser messier type of over-doze. Studies suggests that such person, desiring to die but is too scared to pull the metal trigger or tie a knot or jump off and just settled for over-dozing. Icheoku says these people are not victims. They are enablers and facilitators themselves of the fate which befell them. As fully grown and responsible adults, they owe it to themselves to keep themselves safe; but when they chose to indulge in acts whose ultimate consequence they are fully aware of and gets killed in the process, no one should look elsewhere for possible offenders. 

This is a matter made worse when people, who merely sold merchandise to one who is not a minor and who knowingly and voluntarily solicited and paid for same, are arrested in connection with investigation into such death. Icheoku queries, in the same vein, why not also arrest all American gun sellers and manufacturers for all the mass murders in our schools and society; assuming this selective arrest is proper? It really does not make sense to arrest a merchant for merely selling a product to an adult, especially on who freely and proactively sought to purchase same and engaged in its use. It is capitalism 101 and Seymour Hoffman should be wholly and solely responsible for his actions in over-dozing on some substance which death is likely an outcome and to his knowledge. Finally, Icheoku makes bold to say that all these victim-hoods in America is not solving our gun and drug epidemic problems at all or when would any person ever take responsibility for his act and not look elsewhere for a fall guy who put a .45 on his head and forced him to so inject heroine into his vein that he collapsed and died with still a syringe of heroine stuck in his vein. America, we all need to man up and squarely face offenders by telling them without political correctness or unhelpful sentiments that they are wrong and that their actions are wrong.

It should also be noted that millions of Americans, especially those high and mighty, are very lonely and unhappy, the seeming packaged and produced paparazzi-aided glitz not withstanding. They have no true friend and/or family as they suspect everyone as coming after what they can fleece from them, hence have no one to truly confess their heart's innermost quest for peace and tranquility. At such juncture when life losses its meaning and living becomes rather a chore than pleasure, the question remains why continue to wallow in such emptiness? Icheoku asks is it possible that actor Seymour Hoffman was tired of living and decided to quietly put an end to it; and would rather prefer that all these pontificating about his death did not take place or should cease forthwith? Icheoku does not know the answer, but suffice it to say that like Michael Jackson, Whitney Hudson, Heath Ledger, as well as so many other Hollywood greats over-dozed departed, got to a point in their life's journey and concluded that life has no meaning and deliberately decided to end it. Anyway our sympathies to the bereaved family and friends; and as for the suicide-deceased, lets hope he has found the elusive peace and happiness that drove him over the cliff. Icheoku says this is yet another case of a cry for help that got unanswered, resulting in yet another needless loss of life and at a very prime age of only 46. Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, RIP.

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