Thursday, February 11, 2010


But hey, that is why we are the land of the free and home of the brave, a land where freedom of speech reigns; otherwise what is there to miss? But not when you are the one who put the 'Miss Me Yet?' former President George Walker Bush's billboard, overlooking Interstate 35 in Wyoming, Minnesota or an admirer thereof? It looks like a job Glen Beck would pay for and possibly paid for, otherwise why keep the identity of the people or person/s who paid for it secret? A hatchet-job, may be, by the Obama-will-destroy-America-crowd; who have no capacity to logically think for themselves before following their "guiding-lights" talk-radio hosts to Armageddon!
Obviously the nay-sayers, the no-to-everything-Obama-crowd who will never find anything positive from "that one", the colored boy who is occupying their White-House, cannot stop at nothing to show their disapproval of him and this is amplified with such subliminal message as appeared on this billboard. Now they are longing for and feeling nostalgic about the infamous Bush administration and you wonder why someone as dumb as Sarah Palin had a shot at the presidency, being a vice presidential candidate to a septuagenarian! It is a particular mindset which only attracts and sees color of the skin, erroneously believing in the superiority of a particular color, period! Icheoku says, as far as this band of people are concerned, the presidency is tainted by the color of the skin of the occupant; and so it does not matter whether he is a saint or trying as hard as he could humanly try to reposition our great country and solve the economic problem, as well as keeping us safe from terrorists, while fighting two wars and respecting the rule of law; he is black and therefore an aberration, period!
It is equally instructive that President Obama did not cause the economic melt-down nor did he start any of those wars or in any other way, contributed to where we found ourselves today. But these band of 'Mayflower pilgrims', "who owns America," cannot tire nor despair until they wrestle back and reclaim their White House from the 'negro, and it does not matter the degree of the derogation since to them, the end justifies the means.
Icheoku has long since concluded that with regards to President Barack Obama's administration and these band of nay-sayers, the problem is not in the message, but the messenger himself in whom they see an irregularity and a perversion of the occupant of "their White House". Former President Jimmy Carter was right when he shone the light on racism as fuelling the mounting opposition to President Barack Obama's governance; but political correctness did not allow that angle of explanation to be explored further. Anyway, except you have dementia or you are suffering from selective amnesia to have forgotten so soon the experiences of the previous eight years of former President GW , please just tell Icheoku what it is about the previous administration that is now worth missing or a cause celebre` to fuel such nostalgic longing for that government. Oh well?

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