Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Should the unexpected happen and the accident of a George Bush 2004 surprised, all odds-shattering election victory repeats itself (God forbid evil), America would have forever tagged itself, the most racist country in the world! America would by such an unimaginable outcome, been sprayed by a skunk and stink it shall forever! It will be a general conclusion of so many that KKK and White supremacists still rule this great land and that all the supposed progress of the last several decades has not permeated the hearts and minds of Americans. Such an undeserved outcome will be a collective stigma on every American as each American will be painted with the same brush of a crass racist! If you do not want this indelible mark of the beast tattooed on your forehead, now is the time to contact your neighbor, family member, colleague, friend and even a stranger to clarify to him/her why this election must be decided one way and one way only; since nothing else makes sense! One candidate has out-performed the other candidate in every determinable department imaginable in this election campaign, so what else will stop him? Otherwise, it will be seen that all the rantings about a country that has since moved on from its despicable racist past is just a ruse and the world as well as our conscience will never forgive us for such a missed opportunity to reinvent ourselves. All it will take, is for Americans to be dispassionate and vote smart in this election.
Vote like it is hot and let the better of the two candidate get your vote! Vote like you are color-blind! Vote like you are grading a professional examination paper without any indication as to who wrote which paper! Vote like you mean well for this country and will like to see America excel once again! Vote like you know what you are doing! Vote like an informed person! Vote with your head and not your arse! Vote like an American desirous to see America triumph, loved and respected once again! Vote like you are giving the last George Bush eight years its deserved failing grades of straight 'F' across the board! Vote like you really want to see America turn a new page! Vote like the failure of the financial industry shouldn't have happened! Vote like you want to grow above yourself! Vote like you want to do right by and for America! Vote for Barack Obama + Joe Biden ticket!

The candidates' resumes are there and the disparity is like day and night! The primaries have come and gone and America watched one of the candidate grow into a formidable presidential candidate while the other diminished into a ranting rage-filled gnome who has been variously described as impulsive, erratic, irrational, angry, inarticulate and too old for the job! The campaign so far has been unfolding before the eyes of every American and the candidate with the steady hand is very obvious! We have witnessed two debates with one scheduled for tomorrow October 15th, 2008 and the verdict is that one candidate continually thumped the other! Over-all one candidate has a coherent plan to engage the gear of this country forward while the other is still whining and going round and round rambling about an over forty year old alleged war-exploits as if he was the only one who ever fought for this country? Many Americans living today were not even born then and since this his war effort has been acknowledged, it is about time he pivoted therefrom and tell Americans how he plans to solve the myriad of problems facing us today, both here at home and abroad. Also while in that voting booth on November 14, 2008 ask yourself were you an employer who will you hire for the top job? Remember that one of the candidate is an A+ student while the other was a struggling C- student.

However, should America get it right this time and vote with their heads, Icheoku has no doubt that come November 5th, 2008; America and the whole world will be waiting excitedly for the January 14th, 2009 swearing in of the first real candidate of change ever! The whole world will wake up on the morning on November 5th, 2008 to a Senator Barack Obama's America's president in the waiting new status! If only Americans will be bigger than self and just do right by and with their votes! America should exploit this opportunity to impress itself indelibly in the minds of the peoples of the world as a very serious minded people who have since buried their despicable racist past. It is the only reasonable thing to do and nothing short of that will suffice. Senator Barack Obama's presidential election victory will convince the naysayers that America has since moved on from its racist past and that for once we got it right since 2000 George Bush tragedy. Every indicator points at one conclusion and anything short of that conclusion, will not paint us in good light of both history and the world. Icheoku says, America do your part, vote smart, vote with your head!

In this election a lot of things are at stake and it should not be decided merely on passion, it should be decided based on an objective test of what is the true way forward from the George Bush disastrous eight years. Senator John McCain can try all that he may to run away from his shadow George Bush, but it is impossible for one to divorce himself from his shadow and John McCain is a true reflection of George Bush. With Senator John McCain America will get more of the same as the past George Bush eight years. Who wants to relive that nightmare? Not Icheoku and we believe you share our sentiments! At the least, there is a common denominator between Senator John McCain and George Bush - both are Republicans and that is simply enough reason to reject John McCain's candidacy. The Republican Party has sunk this country into the lowest abyss in recorded history this past eight years and it is about time America tell them enough! America, we have had enough of this unruly elephant in a china shop before they take the whole mankind with them into the sink-hole of infamy!

A President Barack Obama will be the much needed America's knight in shining armor! Remember to be a participant in this epoch making November 4th, 2008 presidential election so that you can proudly thump your chest in the future as one of the many who brought about this earth-shaking new America! You have a story in the making to share with your kids, grand-kids and great grand-kids. You were there and you participated! Only three things stands between you and this upcoming moment of truth: - vote on November 4th, 2008; vote for Barack Obama + Joe Biden ticket! and say emphatic No Way! No How! No McCain! No Palin!

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